
Well, it’s been another March. For those who were reading this last year, you’ll see there tends to be a bit of a trend around this time. Several things of rather heavy nature tend to band together and rain down on me in a very short period of time. Last year, I actually lost a friend because they refused to believe that so many things could happen to someone so quickly and that I had to be making it all up for the attention. Um…I can find other ways of getting attention, should I ever crave it – which I’m not really one who often wants attention showered on them.

Anyway, this year again saw a period of …let’s call it challenges, shall we? Here’s how it played out….

Saturday: Buy a new car that gets nearly 3.5x the gas mileage as my last vehicle and costs $20 less per month on the payment.
Sunday: Bask in the glow of a wonderful new purchase that is going to help my budget.
Monday: Lose someone who meant more to me than they would ever have realized (he died comfortably I hope and pray). Have a come apart at work – bawling like a baby. My parents cross the Texas border on their way to Big Bend for their 45th anniversary.
Tuesday: My marriage is annulled. Stare in shock at the judge that it’s actually been granted…it’s almost a legal anomaly – ok, not that rare; but, it’s certainly not a common thing.
Wednesday: Lose my job. Thank all that is holy that it happened this Wednesday and not the next when I would have just closed on a house. My parents arrive in Austin to take me to dinner with them at the Roaring Fork.
Thursday: Have a chance to soak it all in and arrange to get all my stuff into storage. Argue with himself for quite a good portion of the night. My parents head out of Austin for a bit of site seeing in the great state of Texas.
Friday: Take a deep breath and start packing.
Saturday: Pack and find out my insurance in Alabama is going to jump by $60/mo and have a temporary moment of contemplating a come apart. Take a deep breath and continue packing. Have the place to myself that night…so it’s peaceful and quiet.
Sunday: Wake up early and decide to read for a bit. Notice one eye isn’t focusing right. Try to close each eye one at a time and find I can’t close my left eye. Go look in the mirror and the left side of my face wouldn’t work at all. Have a minor come apart. My lovely, precious friend comes riding to the rescue and holds my hand in the ER. Find out I have Bell’s Palsy – it will get better…it’s just a temporary response to stress. My parents arrive back in Austin that night.
Monday: Get a call from the dealership, the funding for the car has fallen through and I need to give them $2400. That’s half of what I have to live off of until I get employed. I do have a tiny come apart. Mom and dad pick me up, dust me off and send me down to give away half of what I have. It lowers the payment by another $60/mo…exactly what my insurance had gone up – a positive thing. Move all my possessions into storage.
Tuesday: Put the dogs in the car, drive over to the hotel my parents are at and begin the trek home.
Wednesday: Arrive in Alabama – I’m back home. Interestingly, I have no embarrassment at being a 38 year old woman living in my parents’ spare room. Probably because I know it’s temporary and necessary right now. Besides, my parents are pretty darn neat.
Thursday: Have an interview scheduled with GDIT

So…yeah. It’s been pretty hectic. I’ll try to get better at posting again.

Right now, I’m trying to just chill and relax. I have to believe that if I do get this job with GDIT I will be able to get my clearance. Everyone I’ve talked to said it shouldn’t be an issue…But, well, until I have the clearance, I’m going to worry. You know how it is.

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