Fun and Stuff

Well, Jaz (my son) arrived yesterday afternoon.  This means I won’t be out at Graham’s dancing for the next couple of weeks.  Instead, I’ll be spending time with the kiddo – always a worthwhile thing.  

In addition, I’ve started crocheting blocks for the blanket – I’m using Red Heart SuperSaver and Red Heart Fleck.  I’ve found the easiest way to work them is with an N hook and a tape measure.  Unlike knitting, I actually have to keep count of my stitches per row because it’s so easy to start leaving a stitch out – which gives you a parrallelagram instead of a rectangle … not cool.  But, I am not worrying about how many rows I go, so long as I get to the desired 10 inches.  

So, the only thing I have to worry about is keeping myself somewhat close to 8  inches across, and not skipping any stitches.  The pattern is so easy to do, it flies right along.  I got one block done in two evenings. Had I more time to just sit, I could probably have completed a whole block in one night.

Bratnik – Red Heart is available just about anywhere, which is why I chose it.  You and the girls and mom choose what colours you want to work with and so long as it’s Fleck or SuperSaver (or Classic) you’ll be golden.  I am using a “natural” (think undyed) look, so it will go with anything you guys choose.  I’d really like for the girls, you and mom to choose colours that really appeal to you so that the blanket comes out with all our personalities shining through.

Kaylee’s Sweater as Modeled by Buddha

Kaylee’s sweater has been washed, blocked and dried and now just needs to be wrapped and boxed.

I found a perfect present for dad.  Mom and my aunts are covered as well.  Now to figure out what in the world to do for everyone else!

I think Jaz will get one of these crocheted blankets.  They are quick, easy and lovely.  I think he’ll love one – especially if I do it in colours he loves…like red and black or something.

That just leaves the girls, Bratnik, the BIL (he’s darn near impossible to think of what to get), my uncles, Brian and Lesli.  I hate trying to figure out what men would like – I mean, I seriously have no idea what Uncle Bobby or Uncle Robert would want. 

At least I’m making an effort to have stuff for people this year.  I even got a fairly early start on it – that’s a first.

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