Yarn Shortage

Well, I had every intention of swatching…and I know many of my SFCKAL pals will probably cringe in terror when I say what I’m about to say….

I am not swatching. Why?!? Well. Glad you asked. I’m terrified I’m not going to have enough yarn as it is. Seriously terrified. The one ounce skiens I think will be fine. It’s those 25g balls that are freaking me out. I have never found a time when my gauge has not been spot on with the instructions when I’m using the yarn specified, though there is always a first time, I’m sure. I’m also not making this vest for anyone in particular, so size is pretty much moot. I’m doing this as an excercise in colourwork. If it fits me when it’s done, great. I might actually wear it from time to time. If it doesn’t, no loss.

I’m not doing the I-cords, either. Well, I don’t plan on doing the I-cords. I’ve never done them in my life and don’t know that I want to do them now. I suppose I can’t say for certain until I get to that point of the pattern. Most likely, though, I will do a sc ss crocheted border in the colors specified, instead. And, I hate buttons on vests, so no buttons…

I suppose I should just order another ball each of the three colors I’m concerned about and return them if I wind up not needing them…but I’m really, really tight on funds. Three balls….might not actually be that much money. Actually, I’m going to go as far as I can with what I have and if I run out, then I suppose I’ll have to order more. *grimace* Not the way I’d prefer to do it, but it’s the best choice, financially, that I can make.

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