My Take on 2020

Here are my thoughts on this whole mess that is 2020:

1) There is going to be no viable, long term (even annual) vaccine for this.
1a) At BEST we will have quarterly mandated shots required to keep the titres where they need to be for immunity.
1b) More likely, if a vaccine of any sort can actually be made to work, we will be having /voluntary/ vaccines required once a quarter.
2) This is not going away. It’s with us for the rest of our lives – and masks and social distancing are not going to just fade into the past.
2a) America will continue to be a pariah nation as our people continue to refuse to “kowtow” to the government’s mandates for public health.
3) America’s economy, which was on the verge of critical collapse even before CV19 will continue to slide, even worse than the 32% it’s already slid.
3a) We are headed for a full on economic collapse.
3b) We are completely not mentally or socially prepared for this collapse.
4) Our entire social structure is in a critical state – add in item 3 above as well as item 2 and we are looking at a very probable national collapse.

5) A whole lot more people are going to die due to all of the above.

And, people ask me why I’m stressed, depressed, unable to sleep and unable to focus….

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