Hail the Eternals

Written in 1997 by yours truly

In the dawning time, I turn
And I feel the weight of the world.
All the memories, all the mysteries,
All the things that are left undone.
And I turn again and find a
Future hidden by the mists
Of Destiny and Dream…

I follow Destiny’s path,
And tread carefully its
Innocent seeming lanes
And wonder how much of a
Mortal’s life is actually his,
And how much is so far
Out of even Destiny’s reach…

I drift through Dream’s realms,
Smiling, crying, dying,
Laughing, sighing, flying.
Reaching those heights that can,
In the mortal realm,
Never be reached, never be felt.
Never…but for Dream.

I see the present ruled by the
Twins, Desire and Despair.
And the truth of Delight
Turning to Delirium.
And I turn and seek that sweet
Embrace of sister mine, of
She that visits all with time…

That loving smile and tender gaze.
The tears that fall when mortals
Flinch from her lovely face.
She smiles on the young and old,
The pale face a delight to behold.
That is my sister, so full of love,
My sister, sister of compassion…

The frail, the vital, the tender,
The happy, the violent, the sad.
All are hers in the end.
She embraces them all, in time.
And all look on her ivory face and
All feel the whisper of her breath,
My sister, sister Death.

In the twilight hours I turn again
And I catch that elusive glimpse —
The one who left them all behind.
The one that is never mentioned.
Dream, Death, Destiny,
Desire, Despair, Delight/Delirium,
They never sleep, these eternal…

Morpheus, Dream Lord,
Some seek your face in the night,
Some cower in fear of you name.
Some find in you a release from
Harsh reality’s pain.
Some find in you a truth that
Is hidden in vain.

Sweet Sister, Death,
Your beauty is eternal,
Your compassion is well known.
Your counsel is your own.
Your sweet face makes loved ones cry,
Though they know all must die.
Sweet sister, time’s companion.

You are just a keeper of
The Book and caretaker of the Garden.
You see not with the eyes of man.
You plan not their lives,
But let them lay their own paths,
Choosing their own end.

The Twins, Desire and Despair,
To you I say little.
You play with mortals
As mortals play with dolls, and
You mock them in their frailty;
But be not consumed in conceit,
Or you may yet suffer defeat.

To Delight/Delirium,
You, sweet child, are the one
That sees the truth,
The one who faced the heart of Life.
You who knows so much, understands it all,
And cannot explain it clearly to
Anyone so that they may see it too.

And You,
You who evades mortal knowledge,
You who would leave
Your family and your duty.
You fool many, even them, but
You are there. I see you in the
Twilight times, and in the dawn.

You, the One With No Name,
You do your duty, the very same.
The very thing that you left,
You must do, or be bereft.
You my evasive love, are
More bound tom e than you were before.
Twilight times are when you come.

In the dawning time, I turn
And the weight of the world lifts
As I visit this real of the
Family of Eternals, the realm of
Mists and realities that is
Home to my love and my compassion,
My pity and my aversion,
My wonder and my sister.

And I turn and embrace them all.
These who live together and alone.
I smile as the weight lifts and
I sing out a song of awe.
Soaring on the wings of light and shadow,
I who am Life, live again.

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