The Value of Money

The dimes that bought a Coke when we older folks were young contained .07 ounces of silver. At today’s silver price of $22.70 an ounce those dimes would still buy a Coke. Their value would be equivalent to $1.64 of today’s junk coins made of copper and zinc.

The value of real money and Coca Cola haven’t changed. It’s the value of our money that has changed. In 1965 they stopped making dimes, quarters, halves and dollars with silver. It was replaced with base metals; copper and zinc.

That change freed the US Treasury to increase the supply of money without the constraints of purchasing precious metal. They were free to back the money by borrowing.

Gold and silver backed money; “Silver Certificates” became “Federal Reserve Notes.” (The gold was removed in 1971 when Nixon unilaterally ended the Bretton Woods Agreement that international trade deficits would be settled in gold)

Trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of value has been sucked out of our pockets and bank accounts since the 60’s as the government has insidiously debased our currency. Inflation is a tax that nobody complains about because it isn’t understood.

Our parents and grandparents should have gone to the streets with pitchforks when they took the silver out of our money. Now it’s too late. Without the constraints of silver and gold backed currency the men in Washington have lost control and are inflating the dollar to worthlessness.

It has happened throughout history. Parasites never stop feeding on their hosts until the host is dead. The dollar is dying. Buy silver while you can.

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